
val isClosedForReceive: Boolean (source)

Overrides ReceiveChannel.isClosedForReceive

Platform and version requirements: JVM

Returns true if this channel was closed by invocation of close on the SendChannel side and all previously sent items were already received, so that the receive attempt throws ClosedReceiveChannelException. If the channel was closed because of the exception, it is considered closed, too, but it is called a failed channel. All suspending attempts to receive an element from a failed channel throw the original close cause exception.


Returns true if this channel was closed by invocation of close on the SendChannel side and all previously sent items were already received, so that the receive attempt throws ClosedReceiveChannelException. If the channel was closed because of the exception, it is considered closed, too, but it is called a failed channel. All suspending attempts to receive an element from a failed channel throw the original close cause exception.