Extensions for io.reactivex.ObservableSource
suspend fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.awaitFirst(): T Awaits for the first value from the given observable without blocking a thread. Returns the resulting value or throws the corresponding exception if this observable had produced error. |
suspend fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.awaitFirstOrDefault( Awaits for the first value from the given observable or the default value if none is emitted without blocking a thread and returns the resulting value or throws the corresponding exception if this observable had produced error. |
suspend fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.awaitFirstOrElse( Awaits for the first value from the given observable or call defaultValue to get a value if none is emitted without blocking a thread and returns the resulting value or throws the corresponding exception if this observable had produced error. |
suspend fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.awaitFirstOrNull(): T? Awaits for the first value from the given observable or |
suspend fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.awaitLast(): T Awaits for the last value from the given observable without blocking a thread. Returns the resulting value or throws the corresponding exception if this observable had produced error. |
suspend fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.awaitSingle(): T Awaits for the single value from the given observable without blocking a thread. Returns the resulting value or throws the corresponding exception if this observable had produced error. |
suspend fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.consumeEach( Subscribes to this ObservableSource and performs the specified action for each received element. |
operator fun <T> ObservableSource<T>. Subscribes to this Observable and returns an iterator to receive elements emitted by it. |
fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.openSubscription(): SubscriptionReceiveChannel<T> Subscribes to this ObservableSource and returns a channel to receive elements emitted by it. The resulting channel shall be closed to unsubscribe from this source. |